Diesel Treffen - Hamm 2006
Time for more Diesel Bike adventures, Thurs 7 September was the start of the 2006 Diesel Bike Rally, but due to work constraints I was to start my travels on the Thursday to arrive in time to pitch camp and down a few beers Friday.

Simple plan, get the overnight ferry from Harwich to the Hook of Holland and bash out the 200 miles straight across Holland and Germany to the rally site, spend Friday afternoon Saturday and Sunday morning doing the various bike rally stuff; pointing, chatting drinking eating and a few ride outs thrown in.

Needless to Say Sluggy managed the trip with aplomb, the journey to Harwich taking just an hour and a quarter and after an evening meal; a good nights sleep and breakfast aboard the boat a further 4 and a half hours across Holland and Germany saw us arrive at the Brauhaus Willshous - Hamm.

Welcome to Holland - Dawn Friday
Sluggy Loaded and ready for the Journey
Map of the Route - looks a bit daunting!
Tent pitched, Sluggy parked and resting - now where's the beer!
Tell me you put the tent in here before we left home?
If you are going to convert a bike to diesel power - why not make it a classic with a classic diesel engine!
Sometimes it's difficult to find words - try this one - LARGE
The photo does not do Flitzbitz justice - quality engineering detail throughout.
Single wheel trailers were popular - there were 3 visiting.
The ride -out took in a local airfield
Be careful what you wish for - or for that matter order, Stuart asked for a cheese sandwich!